Senin, 10 September 2012

Understanding Personality And Developing Your Parent Teenager Relationship

By Paul G Saver

A primary human need is to be understood. When we feel understood we feel some measure of appreciation and therefore our value and worth as a human being. This is true not only for you but also your teenager. A vital component to understanding your teenager and the development of your parent teenager relationship, is knowledge regarding your own personality as a parent and that of your teenager. This understanding is priceless.

Personality type provides insight into how another human being fundamentally perceives and interacts with the world. Each one of us are born with a personality type that begins to emerge when we are around six to seven years of age and becomes more apparent around ten years of age.

Parenting per se does not create a personality type but it does impact how healthy that type will be and its influence on the parent teenager relationship.

It is extremely helpful for a parent to become aware of how well they match up with their child in terms of personality. For some parents its a dream match. For others it is extremely challenging.

If both parents are very energetic, sociable and extroverted but their teenager is quiet, serious and reserved, the fit between parent and teenager can become quite strained. Unfortunately parents sometimes inadvertently try to fit a square into a round hole, that is, they struggle to make their teenager become someone they can never be.

Instead of judging or trying to fix your teen, concentrate on drawing out the best in your teen whilst cultivating the parent teenager relationship.

There is a belief that seems to always come up when I talk to parents about personality. It's the belief that personality profiling is like putting someone into a box so that the person is locked into thinking and behaving a certain way.

The fundamental view is that personality profiling is stereotyping. This is not the case. The reality is that every individual is born with a general personality type that is unchangeable. However we are able to manage our personality which means that we have the capacity to break out of the box.

There are numerous personality profiling tests. I recommend the Enneagram. By learning and applying the Enneagram I have been been able to better understand, empathize and connect to our teenage children. Subsequently, the parent teenager relationships in my family have flourished. The same can happen in your family.

To summarize the pertinent points of this article. To grow your parent teenager relationship, you as parent have heaps to gain by knowing your personality type as well as that of your teen. Utilizing this knowledge you can come to know what uniquely motivates and drives you and your teenager. From this position you can then tailor your parenting to best suit each child.

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